Do you have a large order to make, or perhaps you are buying for several friends at once? We offer discounts, special merchandise and unique gifts for bulk orders. Depending on your order value size, you become eligible for various special merchandise and discounts. When buying from our store, you will automatically update how far away you are from the next order tier. In other words, the more you buy at once, the more you save!
8200 - 18599 DKK or
1100 – 2499 EUR or
940-2129 GBP or
1600 - 2599 USD
– 10% discount*
18600 DKK -> or
2500 EUR -> or
2130 GBP -> or
2600 USA ->
– 20% discount*
* The discount does not apply to gift cards, tents, staffs, spears and shields.