Pants Fimbul
Technical Details
“The winter was relentless. Helt felt it as he left the great hall, which, too, was cold at this hour. His family had donned their winter attire months ago, but many peasants had no such luxury. There had even been whispers that this winter would be the final one. The Fimbul. His wife and children scoffed at such talk in public but enquired with him in the dark evenings. The fear of their future was clear in their eyes. He reassured them of the warmth to come, and no living soul knew that he also felt the clutches of doubt. But he knew high spirits were essential to survive and thrive in the North. Thus he proclaimed that spring would soon arrive. Also, this year.”
Epic Armoury’s Pants Fimbul shares the Viking Age design inspiration of Pants Arvid but features a high-quality herringbone wool blend. These pants are designed with an inner and no outer seam, featuring a centre gusset that runs along the entire rise and diagonal patterns on the legs for a better fit around the knees. They are available in two shades of grey, making them a great base to pair with more colourful items in a Nordic-inspired character kit.

Epic Armoury
Herringbone - Wool Blend
Lower Body
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