Holder For Sword Belt
Technical Details
“Beren had always thought he was a civilized man. He washed at least once a week, kept his weapon clean, and almost attended religious ceremonies. But here, something called to him. An inner beast, a raging leviathan, rose from the ocean's depths with a rage matched only by the gods. He tore his sword from its holder on his belt and ran it through the man's heart. That would teach him to call Beren a coward. "Anyone else who has an opinion?!" he shouted.”
The Holder For Sword Belt is designed to integrate directly with and fit onto the Sword Belt and the Sword Belt Laced. It's made from vegetable-tanned leather and is durable thanks to the stitching and rivets. Two brass rings on the side mean it hooks up directly with the two different Sword Belts and can be customized to fit other belts, too. It is easy to carry your weapon if you do not want a full Scabbard. With its 7 cm wide opening, it can accommodate most swords.
Epic Armoury
Product type:
Sword Holder
Release date: