Horn of Jörmungandr with Stand
Technical Details
The old man had enthralled the entire mead hall as he recounted the Old Edda. Stories about Jörmungandr, the World Serpent, and all the other foul creatures in Jötunheimr. The chilling winds blew outside, people huddled together on the long benches, and the young ones leaned forward to behold the gestures of the skald better. He seems to smile strangely as he takes a sip from his drinking horn, places it in the holder on the table and tells the story about Gunnlöð guarding the Mead of Suttungr. You wonder if there is more to this story than the twinkle in his single eye.
The Horn of Jörnmungandr is an essential drinking horn ideal for characters in a Viking or otherwise northern-inspired fantasy setting. It is essentially a carved water buffalo horn that has been polished and adorned with an ornamental depiction of the Midgard Serpent, known from many accounts in Norse mythology. Each horn is unique in shape and colour and holds about half a litre of mead, ale or any other substance served at a grand feast. You can purchase the Horn of Jörnmungandr with the wrought iron stand as depicted, but it is also possible to order the horn without the stand.
Epic Armoury
Horn, Iron
Product type:
Dining Gear, Camp Gear
Release date: