Bandolier of Many Adventures
Technical Details
“He smelled of goat and cheap red wine in equal measure, mixed with just a touch of gunpowder. He was so dirty that his fellows often joked that he must roll in the dirt on the ground after each bath. But they all relied upon him when the battle came, for on his bandolier, he carried not only their coins but also their spare ammunition and bandages, all in their own neat pouches."
Epic Armoury's Bandolier of Many Adventures is a versatile leather belt made from sturdy, 3 mm thick leather. The leather straps and strings allow you to resize them to ensure a proper fit, while the rings allow you to customize what you carry, such as our Bounty Hunter Pouch.
Historically, these belts were used to keep powder and shot ready for riflemen to use in their old handguns. Still, with time and as weapons evolved, the bandoliers were designed to carry pouches, bags, and bottles to always be on hand when needed. Bandoliers have even inspired potion belts for tabletop roleplaying games, and our Potion Holder 3 Piece would fit such a look well.
Epic Armoury
Torso, Chest
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